You always do the best you can so let's begin this Mother's Day with a fresh start. Learn how to care for yourself in new ways that will make you feel better right away, and discover how to care for your family better too.

Mother's Day is just around the corner, and I don't know about you, but I sometimes feel like this holiday is too much — there is so much pressure to get it right. What exactly is the “right” way to celebrate?... What if we launched into mother's day without the anxiety and expectations? I say let's make Mother's Day entirely your day.
The fact of the matter is, that mothers need self-care. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say: that all women need self-care. Self-care is critical to any woman's overall well-being, but even more so as a mother. Our days are unpredictable and our plates are full —we juggle work, motherhood, family, and other obligations. While we love our children (and they are some of our best friends), we also need alone time and time to just be ourselves outside of our title so we can return to the role of mom refreshed. We thrive when we take care of ourselves first, before taking care of others or contributing to society.
The days leading up to Mother's Day can be stressful for caregivers and in honor of National Mother's Day—because it may feel like you can't get away for even 5 minutes— I challenge you to set aside some time for yourself. Take some time out for mom by taking time out from mom.

It's okay to take a break.
If you're finding yourself overwhelmed by the expectations of family, friends, and coworkers, it's time to take a step back and refocus on what matters most: You.
Whether you're a mother or not, this is one day you deserve to be celebrated! Here are some tips for how to take care of yourself so that you can enjoy the day with family and friends:
Make sure your health is good
Schedule time for yourself
Give yourself permission to say no
Get your finances in order
It's okay to give yourself a little bit of pampering.
Give yourself a little bit of pampering. It's okay to give yourself a little bit of pampering, like self-care products and a relaxing bath, or just spend some time alone without any distractions. If you're feeling stressed out or anxious about what you need to do for Mother's Day, give yourself some time to relax so that you can enjoy the day more fully when it comes.

It's okay to have fun without your kids.
It's a fact that the first Mother's Day after having a baby is tough. You may feel guilty about taking time for yourself, or guilty about not being able to take time for yourself. You may feel like you're being selfish, or that you're being ungrateful for the gift of having a baby in your life. But listen up: It's okay to have fun without your kids.
There are things that can be done on Mother's Day that don't involve children — and maybe even include some alone time. It's okay to enjoy those things too! Here are some ideas:
Eat lunch at a restaurant with your mom or best friend (or both).
Go shopping with your partner — just the two of you!
Take yourself out to dinner at a fancy restaurant and enjoy the smell of food instead of cooking it yourself (or eating leftovers).
Go see a movie solo — or with friends who don't have kids either!
Buy yourself a self-care bag to pamper yourselves

It's okay to take care of yourself and not others for a change.
Give yourself permission to relax. We all have busy lives, but sometimes we need permission from ourselves to relax and recharge our batteries. If you've been running around like crazy all week long, give yourself permission today just to sit still and let go of any worries or concerns that might be weighing on you right now. When was the last time you really did that?
Surround yourself with good people who love you (even if they're not all related). This can be family, friends, or anyone else who cares about you — whoever makes your heart feel happy just knowing they're around!

When you get it right for yourself, everyone benefits!
The last thing you want to do is complain about how busy you are when being a mom because that's a temporary state. If you wanna add to the conversation of Mother's Day, start by questioning the preconceived notions of what it means to be a mom. Do what's right for yourself and your family by taking care of yourself first (for just one day out of 365) and hopefully the good vibes will ripple outward and heal your soul.
Read our previous in-depth article to understand the 3 Benefits Of Quality Sleep During Vacation, or watch this TikTok trending video for recommendations to travel comfortably, especially with kids.
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