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That. Shower Oil

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Looking for a natural remedy to improve your sleeping qualities? Lock yourself in a peaceful, relaxing state of sleep with the award-winning Vase Creation Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist, an organic blend of lavender, patchouli, sweet orange and more, to spritz onto linens and pillows for a calming effect. Proven and tested*.


Just a few spritzed on your linens and pillows to journey into a slumbering state of sleep. It’s essential, to wake up fresh for the day! Great for the night after a busy and stressful day.

Vase Creation Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist 12ml

PriceFrom RM22.50
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Worry-Free Trio Pack
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RM22.50every month for 3 months
  • In Vase Creation, we believe in the power of nature to help us relax, revitalize, and heal. Our sleep spray is a combination of lavender, patchouli, sweet orange, roman chamomile, vetiver, and cedarwood—all natural ingredients with incredible benefits that can help your body slow down and relax.


    The aim was to create an enveloping and comforting scent, which can be used before going to bed.


    The Stress Relief refers to the fragrance's structure, which uses floral notes to form the base and top, with a heart made up of herbal and woody notes. This gives the aroma a warm but not overwhelming texture and finish.


    Award-Winning - Insider Beauty and Wellness Best Aromatherapy


    Sedative Blend with Organic Pure Essential Oil

    Top Cedarwood & Vetiver Essential Oil
    Middle Sweet Orange & Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
    Base Lavender & Patchouli Essential Oil